跟四眼儿大虾米一起学医护英语 02

发表于 讨论求助 2021-03-12 05:37:38



Hypertension 英 [ˌhaɪpəˈtenʃn]  美 [ˌhaɪpərˈtenʃn] 高血压

前缀Hyper: excessive, above normal


Explain that blood pressure is measured with a device [dɪˈvaɪs] 装置 called a sphygmomanometer [ˌsfɪgmoʊmə'nɒmətɜ] 血压计. Abnormally high pressure readings taken on at least three different days are necessary to confirm a diagnosis [ˌdaɪəgˈnoʊsɪs] 诊断(unless a single reading is extremely high).Hypertension is diagnosed if the blood pressure exceeds 140/90 mmHg.

If the patient has newly diagnosed mild hypertension 轻度高血压, the doctor will try to manage the condition by prescribing(based on the patient’s medical history, the patient’s age, the patient’s medication regimen):

a low-salt diet 低盐饮食

weight loss,减重(overweight people are three times more likely to have hypertension than people who maintain normal weight.)

quit smoking戒烟

a regular exercise program定期锻炼计划

大白话:测血压的东西叫血压计。当血压超过140/90mmHg,就赶紧去找医生聊聊,前提是至少三天的血压都这样。如果只是偶尔一次,可能是被气的。 还有,单次收缩压或舒张压的数值特别高,还是去看看吧......


Key vocabulary重点词汇:

device [dɪˈvaɪs] 装置

sphygmomanometer [ˌsfɪgmoʊmə'nɒmətɜ]血压计

diagnosis [ˌdaɪəgˈnoʊsɪs] 诊断

mild hypertension 轻度高血压

low-salt diet 低盐饮食

quit smoking 戒烟

a regular exercise program 定期锻炼计划





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